Favorite meal essay

Favorite meal essay

My favorite homemade meal that my mother makes for me is a steak sandwich. Not to be confused with a steak N Cheese, a steak sandwich is a marvelous creation made with only the finest ingredients. First purchase that you will need to make is your steak. There is a variety of steaks you can buy at a supermarket which can be intimidating at first , but for this recipe you will need to buy yourself a cut of ribeye. A fatty tender cut of meat for this recipe is the perfect combination for the sandwich because it adds flavor and enhances the texture. From there you’re going to pan sear it and cook it to a medium rare finish, with the meat pink and juicy on the inside, and with a brown, firm, crispy exterior. From there, you are going to get yourself a Brioche bun and spread a healthy amount of horseradish mayo on the buns for extra tanginess. After you’re done applying mayo, you’re going to cut your steak into slices, not too thick, but also not super skinny. After that, you are going to place the steak on the bun. Once your steak is applied to the buns, you’re also going to want to caramelize some mushrooms and onions in a pan which will give your sandwich a sweet and savory taste. Once your mushrooms and onions are slightly crispy and a light brown color, you are going to add that on top of the steak on the sandwich. To finish it off you’re going to want to put a few strands of leafy arugula on your sandwich which will give it a more earthy taste. For sides, I usually will either air fry some sweet potato puffs, or cook some brussel sprouts sprinkled with a Parmesan garlic seasoning. This is my go to meal every time I get to go home; it probably will be as long as my mother and I are on the planet together. This meal is incredibly special to me because it reminds me of being home. One of my first memories of this meal was when there was a snow storm one winter day a few years ago, my brother and I were tasked with shoveling our entire driveway, walkway, as well as our deck. This task took us about an hour and a half to complete. Once we completed this task, I remember coming inside to  the pan on, and seeing all the ingredients out to my favorite meal. I recall the warmth and sense of security I felt when eating this meal after coming inside from what felt like the frozen tundra. It also gave me a great sense of appreciation for my mother. It felt like I was getting repaid for my service, not with money, but with an amazing dish made with the most perfect detail.
